Support project for the fishery sector in Mali: an analysis of the capacity of the office for the development of fishery and aquaculture in the inner Niger Delta
Project start date: 2020-03-20 - Project end date: 2020-04-15
The purpose of this assessment was to ensure the existence within this administration of qualified human resources and valid procedures for sound management of subsidy agreements. The objectives of this analysis were to (1) identify the significant risks linked to the delegation of activities or sub-objectives, which means: (a) to define adequate implementation modalities in the agreement and to determine to what extent monitoring and/or (b) to define in the agreement adequate implementation modalities and determine to what extent monitoring and/or support from the intervention is necessary (ANO or not, reporting frequency, auditing, etc.), (c) Define specific capacity building activities. Some of these activities may be negotiated within the grant agreement; others will be carried out directly by the intervention); (2) Engage in a dialogue with the partner on its capacities and encourage it to organize itself better.