Evaluation finale d’un de ses programmes intitulé « Projet Tidisaati, Renforcement de la résilience des familles de producteurs des communes de Cobly, Matéri et Boukoumbé au Bénin
Project start date: 2023-02-01 - Project end date: 2023-03-31
The Tidisaati project is implemented by Iles de Paix in the communes of Cobly, Matéri and Boukombé in Benin. The overall objective of the program is to strengthen the resilience of farming families in the communes of Cobly, Matéri and Boukombé. Specifically (OS), the program aims to strengthen the food and nutritional security of supported households.
Program implementation approach: The integrated approach is at the heart of the Tidisaati program implementation process. Households are therefore at the heart of the program, shaping their own medium-term development program and itinerary according to their assets, means, needs and aspirations, taking into account their physical and socio-economic environment. In accordance with the terms of reference, the overall aim of this final evaluation assessed the quality of the implementation of activities, the relevance of the approaches used, and the performance and degree of achievement of results. The evaluation enabled the Iles de Paix team, its partners and the donor to understand the main lessons learned from the program, as well as its main strengths and weaknesses.