Development of the Geographical Information System of the Commission (GISCO) Monitoring System in Harmonization with the monitoring systems of SWISSCO and Beyond Chocolate
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Sustainable Value Chains

Development of the Geographical Information System of the Commission (GISCO) Monitoring System in Harmonization with the monitoring systems of SWISSCO and Beyond Chocolate

Project start date: 2020-07-01 - Project end date: 2022-10-30

This project aimed to provide support to the Commission Secretariat's Geographical Information System. This was done through: (1) An appreciation of GISCO’s existing goal setting and monitoring instruments – design of an encompassing overview in the theory of change format, (2) Design initial draft for a holistic GISCO monitoring system at strategic/impact and performance level, (3) the concept for "interviews and questionnaires" for the four-member groups of the German Initiative on Sustainable Cocoa, (4) further design and implementation of GISCO’s monitoring system, including the harmonization of indicators and MEAL (Monitoring-Evaluation-Accountability-Learning) concepts with the other European platforms for sustainable cocoa (SWISSCO, GISCO, Beyond Chocolate, and DISCO) and other actors such as WCF; (5) Design and development of standard data collection, data analysis, monitoring, and reporting tool/system for the European platforms for sustainable cocoa; (6) Design and implementation of online questionnaires for annual data collection; (7) Preparation of pilot reporting by GISCO members on 2019 data, data analysis, and production of the GISCO’s pilot Monitoring Report for 2019 data; (8) Continuous improvement of harmonized (and GISCO-specific) indicators and MEAL concepts for GISCO and other European platforms, (9) Preparation/organization of data collection, data analysis, and production of the GISCO’s Annual Monitoring Reports for 2020 and 2021.