Evaluation of the support of Medics without Vacation in mental health and the collaboration between Fracarita Belgium and Medics without Vacation

Institutional & Organisational Development

Evaluation of the support of Medics without Vacation in mental health and the collaboration between Fracarita Belgium and Medics without Vacation
Multi Country

Project start date: 2020-01-01 - Project end date: 2020-06-12

For this assignment, the following was done: (1) desk study including a review of documents, (2) Field visits in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Burundi, (3) Consultations of internal and external stakeholders through individual and grouped interviews and focus groups, (4) an analysis of the theory of constraints suggesting recommendations for adaptation, (5) drafting findings and conclusions of the evaluation and recommendations for the next phase of the program. (6) The findings were then presented and discussed in both a draft report and a final report.